The Veilbreaker update brought tons of changes to Warframe. However, generating the most buzz is the release of the game’s 50th Warframe, Styanax. Equipped with his javelin and shield, this fearless warrior lives for the fight. Styanax is tanky, can support allies with shields, and debuff enemies with crowd control—all while staying in the thick of the battle. This guide will tell you how to claim this new Warframe for free.
How to unlock Styanax for free in Warframe
To celebrate the release of the Veilbreaker update, Digital Extremes is hosting a limited-time giveaway where players can claim Styanax for free. You must log into Warframe between September 7 and September 22 to claim the reward. Once you do so, you will receive a message in your inbox from Lotus informing you that Styanax has been added to your inventory.
It is worth noting that Digital Extremes temporarily disabled the Styanax giveaway on September 7 due to reports of players receiving multiple messages. However, as of September 8, the issue has been resolved, as confirmed in a post on the official Warframe forum. Therefore, if you are yet to receive Styanax, simply log into the game again, and you should see a message confirming your reward.
Who is Styanax in Warframe?
Styanax is the 50th unique Warframe and is heralded as a wandering warrior-king amongst Warframes. Wielding a javelin named Axios, and his trusty shield Tharros, Styanax is a tanky Warframe who will never hesitate to jump right into the fray. The following are Styanax’s abilities:
- Passive: Increases critical chance with his shield, and doubles for spearguns.Axios Javelin: Throws an axios javelin. Enemies impaled into a wall will pull in other enemies and deal a burst of damage.Tharros Strike: Swings his shield to repel enemies, reducing their shield and armor. Regenerates health for every enemy struck.Rally Point: Draws enemies towards him. Squad regenerates energy over time and gains shields for every kill and assist they participate in.Final Stand: Rises into the air and throws a barrage of axios javelins. The javelins deal AoE damage where they land and increase damage on direct hits.
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