There are multiple resources for you to find through Final Fantasy XIV. You’ll want to acquire these to sell on the market or bring them back to your Free Company for your crafters to use in their recipes. Thavnairian Corn is one of those resources you’ll want to narrow down and find yourself. There are a few things you need to do before finding it. Here’s what you need to know about how to get Thavnairian Corn in Final Fantasy XIV.

Before looking for Thavniarian Corn, you’ll need to unlock the Tome of Botanical Folklore. With this item, you’ll be able to find Potent Spice, Golden Cocoon, and Thavnarian Corn. You can purchase the Tome of Botanical Folklore – IIsabard and the Northen Empty from the Splendors Vendor at Radz-at-Han for 16 Regional Folklore Traders’ Token C. You can buy these Tokens for Scrip Exchange vendors in all of the major cities, with one Token costing 100 White Scrips, which means you’ll need to earn 1,600 White Scrips to purchase this item.

After you grab the Tome, you can find Thavnairian Corn in The Shroud of the Samgha, on the east side of Thavnair. You’ll need to be a level 90 Botanist, and then you can head over to coordinates (X:25, Y:21). We recommend you have a Perception of 3,401 or greater to find it. It is a timed resource node, which means it only appears at certain times from 8 AM to 10 PM Eorzea Time, and 8 PM to 10 PM Eorzea Time in your in-game day, giving you plenty of opportunities if you watch the clock. You will also need a flying mount to reach the location, giving you a chance to readily farm the corn for as long as you need to harvest it.