Happy Birthday Wacky Wizards! To celebrate the experience’s anniversary, developers Jandel and Foryxe have added a Birthday Cake ingredient that players can collect by completing just a few steps. To learn more about how to unlock this ingredient, and the potions that can be made with it, continue reading the brief guide below!
How to unlock the Birthday Cake ingredient
Once you’ve spawned into Wacky Wizards, head toward the Spider Cave pictured below. Hint: it’s the same cave where the Spider ingredient is located!
Enter this cave and walk straight. After a few steps, you should find a large match on the ground that you can pick up.
With this match in hand, leave the cave and head toward the floating pieces of cake that are located between the Egyptian Pyramid and Colosseum.
On these pieces of cake are blue and white candles that you can light by pressing E.
Once all of the candles have been lit, you will earn the Birthday Cake ingredient!
To add this ingredient to your collection, simply teleport back to your cauldron and toss it inside. Once inside, press the Spawn button in your potion book to begin brewing. After just a few seconds, the Cake potion should appear.
Birthday Cake potions list
The list below features all of the currently known Birthday Cake potions!
Looking for more Wacky Wizards content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Jellybean ingredient in Roblox Wacky Wizards or How to get the Paintbrush ingredient in Roblox Wacky Wizards!