The Clockwork Novus D minion is one of several companions you can find in Final Fantasy XIV. You’ll be able to attach this companion to your character and wander around the world with you. However, finding the Clockwork Novus D minion can be tricky, and you’ll want to narrow down your search by trying to loot it from the correct location. In this guide, we cover how to get the Clockwork Novus D minion in Final Fantasy XIV.

The only way you can obtain the Clockwork Novus D minion is by using your Retainers. The one you need to complete is the Field Exploration XXVIII choice. Your Retainer will be away from you for 18 hours, and when they return, they’ll come with their rewards. Although it won’t always be the Clockwork Novus D minion, there’s a chance of it appearing, and it’s the only way for you to find this companion. Because of how long it can take to wrap up these missions, obtaining this item might take time.

Once you have it, you can gift it to your character and have it follow you around in the game. Alternatively, you can place it on sale on your data center’s market board or even pick it up if you have enough Gil to purchase it. The price will vary based on the economy of your server’s market board.