The Talisman you find and add to your equipment in Elden Ring gives you various advantages throughout your adventure in the game. These items are scattered all over the game, and some are hidden behind NPC quests. In this guide, we’ll be covering how you can get the Companion Jar talisman in Elden Ring.
For this Talisman, you’ll need to work through a handful of NPC quests in Elden Ring. The first quest we’re going to recommend for you to focus on is for Iron Fist Alexander, the Jar Warrior you initially encountered in Limgrave, to the east of Stormhill. His quest will have you battling against Starscourge Radahn, visiting Volcano Manor, battling the Fire Giant on in the Mountaintop of the Giants, and then fighting against him at the Dragon Temple. Your primary goal is to obtain his innards, and you’ll want to hold onto those.
After that, you’ll want to focus on Diallos, a character you initially met at the Roundtable Hold. Speak with him, and eventually, you’ll encounter him at Volcano Manor. You will need to join the manor to find him, and after completing the Volcano Manor quest, Diallos will disappear. With him gone, your next step is to head to Jarburg to meet with Jar-barin.
You’ll need to exhaust all of Jar-bairn’s dialogue trees and reload the area several times. These dialogue options include him welcoming you to Jarburg, encouraging you to take flowers from the area, and then about his uncle, Iron Fist Alexander. Eventually, it’ss talk about someone new who’s entered the town, and it will be Diallos. You can find him at a nearby house, tending to a small pot. Speak with Diallos, and then reload the area. A pot poacher will attack the village, and Diallos protects it, but it costs him his life. You’ll need to exhaust the dialogue of Jar-barin and Diallos before reloading the area to speak with Jar-bairn, who is mourning Diallos’ passing.
After you speak with Jar-bairn standing above Diallos, reload the area and it returns to its previous starting location. Exhaust his dialogue at this point and then reload the site. The Companion Jar Talisman will be where Jar-bairn had been sitting, and you can add it to your collection.