The Egg Launcher is a quirky little weapon in Fortnite. This weapon was introduced back in Chapter 2 but was vaulted soon after. After Fortnite’s 20.10 update hotfix, the Egg Launcher was unvaulted once again.
Finding the Egg Launcher in Fortnite isn’t that difficult. You can get your hands on this weapon by going through chests and supply drops. Chests usually spawn inside buildings, so walk into any of the buildings on the map and you’re bound to come across a chest. Moreover, if there’s a chest around you, you should hear an ambient ringing sound that gets louder as you get closer to a chest. In case of the supply drops, these fall out of the sky. You will see a big crate icon on your mini-map if a supply drop has fallen around you.
If you’re lucky enough, you could also come across the Egg Launcher as regular floor loot in Fortnite. This weapon fires egg projectiles that bounce a couple of times before exploding. And just like most weapons in Fortnite, the Egg Launcher also comes in four different rarities. You can find ammo for the Egg Launcher in chests and ammo boxes in Fortnite.
The Egg Launcher in Fortnite deals around 77 damage to players and 220 damage to structures. That said, this weapon won’t be very effective against vehicles because the eggs will bounce off the vehicle before exploding. Because of this, we do not recommend using this weapon against vehicles. We’re not sure when the Egg Launcher will get vaulted again, but there’s a high chance it won’t make it past Easter. So have fun with this weapon for as long as it stays in the game. Good luck, looper!
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