Everything’s End is a cosmetic Glider in Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4 that serves as a part of the Living Metal Set featured in the Fortnitemares event. This sleek, skeletal-like Glider offers a metallic sheen with a frame that appears to be elastic, despite its metallike appearance. Needless to say, many fans are undoubtedly eager to get their hands on this Halloween-style Glider to celebrate the festivities of “Spooktober.” Players can preview the Everything’s End Glider in the cosmetic menus for Fortnite Outfits, but the description does not explain how this item can be unlocked. This information can be found in the Quest menu during an in-game match.
Unlocking Everything’s End in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4
To unlock the Everything’s End Glider in Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4, players must participate in the Fortnitemares event. Specifically, fans must open their Quest log and view the “Fortnitemares Bonus Goals” tab to see how they can acquire the exclusive Glider in Fortnite.
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Everything’s End will be accessible for free once Fortnite fans have completed 5 Fortnitemares Quests. As of writing, there are only two Fortnitemares challenges that players can fulfill: “Dance on an Alteration Altar to get Howler Claws” and “Hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active.” Meeting these objectives and similar quests will progress the goal of completing 5 Fortnitemares Quests. New challenges will be added daily, so players need to make sure they regularly log into the game and do their event missions. Eventually, they will reach the five-quest mark and receive their Glider.
Based on gameplay provided by YouTuber ChillNikov, another cosmetic reward called the Chrome Cage Back Bling will be available after 13 Fortnitemares Quests have been completed. Finally, the Unmaker Harvesting Tool can be unlocked once all 25 challenges have been fulfilled. As mentioned above, the best strategy to unlock these three Halloween-exclusive rewards is by completing the quests daily after they are released. Of course, it is possible to wait and take them all on in one go, but such an approach will depend on the amount of available time fans have. Whatever the case, completing five of any of these event quests will unlock Everything’s End in Fortnite.
Fortnite is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.
Source: YouTube/ChillNikov