The Face Breaker is a legendary power fist that you can get in Fallout 76, as a reward through daily ops and certain quests in the newly added Steel Reign update.  

That said, if you want The Face Breaker, you will need to farm daily ops for the crafting plan. You can also earn it as a reward for completing the first quest in the Steel Reign questline, a Knight’s penance.

However, If you want to start a daily op, you will need to open the Fallout 76 world map and then click or tab a button for the world activity tab on the bottle left of your screen. 

On the world activity tab, you should see an option for daily ops, and clicking on it will allow you to join in and complete it. However, we recommend joining a public team or find a few friends to complete, as daily ops can be challenging alone, and you will do better if in a group.

Nonetheless, once you hit join, you will start the daily op and will have to protect an uplink from hordes of enemies for a certain amount of time. There are also a few reward tiers depending on how fast you complete the op, as listed below.

  • Initiate (16 mintues)Paladin (12 mintues)Elder (8 mintues)

If you complete the op in 8 minutes, you will get the Elder reward tier, which is generally what you should shoot for, as it will also reward the other two tiers on top of it. The result would be getting a ton of items and would also be your best chances of getting The Face Breaker plans. That said, keep farming these daily ops and you should eventually get the plans for the powerfist.

Check out some of our other Fallout 76 guides!