The Heir Apparent is back, the Exotic Machine Gun that was introduced to Destiny 2 with the Guardian Games event last year can once again be obtained by eager Guardians.

The first thing players will need to do is start to play the Guardian Games by visiting Zavala, and then speaking with Eva. She will give you a quest to get 100 Laurels, which can be done by equipping your special Guardian Games Class item and then jumping in the Guardian Games playlist.

When you go back to Eva again, she will have a new Exotic Quest for you called Top of the Class.

Step 1

The first step is to gather up 50 Laurels. This can be done via any means, but the Guardian Games Playlist will the quickest way to do it.

Step 2

For step two, you need to kill 100 combatants with Machineguns. Any Machinegun will do, and you can do it anywhere in the game. Once again, we would suggest the Guardian Games Playlist as you may as well earn some easy Laurels while you work on these kills.

As soon as you have achieved all 100 kills, the Heir Apparent will automatically drop for you, so make sure you have some room for it in your Power weapon slot and then you can switch to it straight away, if you wish.