While Find the Markers may seem like just another scavenger-hunt-style experience, it actually offers quite an intricate map, with more than a handful of challenging secrets to find. One of these secrets, the Noob Marker, is what we’ll be covering in the brief guide below, so continue reading to learn more!
Finding the Noob Marker
In order to unlock the Noob Marker, you’ll need to know your player ID. If you’re unfamiliar with player IDs and need help finding yours, check out the brief graphs below. If you already have your player ID, feel free to skip ahead to Unlocking the Noob Marker.
What is a player ID?
A player ID serves as a form of identification that’s specific to your account and its information—because no one else can have the same player ID as you, it’s a great way to differentiate yourself from other players. There are also item IDs, group IDs, and experience IDs that all serve a similar purpose. These IDs are basically a numerical username that exist in the background of your account.
How do I find my player ID?
In order to find your player ID, you’ll need to be on the Roblox website. This means that you cannot obtain your player ID using the mobile or Xbox app. Once on the Roblox website, head to your profile by clicking on the three lines in the top-left corner and selecting the icon of your Roblox character. From your profile, locate the address bar above the actual website’s window—it should say something similar to https://www.roblox.com/users/123456789/profile. The nine digit number that’s inserted before /profile is your unique player ID.
Unlocking the Noob Marker
Now that you know where to find your player ID, write down or memorize all nine digits of it. Then, join Find the Markers and locate the house pictured below near the Candyland area of the map.
Enter this house and use the stairs to reach the second floor. On this floor should be a small kitchen with a microwave.
Approach the microwave and hold E to interact with it. Upon doing so, you’ll be able to enter your player ID using the microwave’s buttons. After entering your player ID, press the green GO button.
If you’ve typed in your player ID correctly, the keypad will say SUCCESS and the fireplace behind you will open, revealing the location of the Noob Marker!
To claim this marker, simply walk up to it and touch it.
Looking for more Roblox content? Check out our recent guides on How to get Dark Markery in Roblox Find the Markers or How to get the Forbidden Marker in Roblox Find the Markers!