The Omicrons are a mysterious race encountered by the Warrior of Light in the final zone of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. A robot species of war-like creatures, they’re not exactly the cutest or most likable things. Even so, you can grab the Optimus Omicron minion, which gives you your very own Omicron.

To get the Optimus Omicron Minion, you’ll first need to unlock the Level 90 dungeon, The Stigma Dreamscape. After completing this dungeon which brings you back through the history of the Omicron’s many conquests, there’s a chance the Optimus Omicron minion drops in the final chest. 

However, the drop rate is quite low. You’ll most likely have to run the dungeon multiple times before you see it, and even then, you’ll be rolling against players for the minion. Currently, you can’t run this dungeon with an NPC Trust, so Duty Finder is your only option.

But if you’re looking to avoid the grind, there’s another option. Head to the Market Board and search for the minion, which is marketable. They usually sell for a few million Gil, but that price will fall dramatically as the expansion continues.

As a bonus, if you happen to run The Stigma Dreamscape later and get the minion, you can always sell it to make some of your Gil back.

For more minion unlock guides for Final Fantasy XIV, check out How to get the Prince Lunatender Minion in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker on Pro Game Guides.