Dubbed as one of the greatest boss killing weapons in all of the Wonderlands, the Queen’s Cry legendary pistol is a weapon you should definitely try out. This weapon’s damage scales off your spell damage and has the ability to cast its own spell. Whenever you get a critical hit with this weapon, it has a chance to drop a meteor down on the foe that does incredible damage. Thanks to this gun’s insane fire rate and special ability, you can easily destroy bosses without worry. Here is how you can get the Queen’s Cry in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

To obtain this weapon, you will need to wait until you have beaten the game. This is because the gun can only drop from a few sources. First, it has a chance to drop from one of the raid bosses in the Chaos Chamber. The specific boss that it drops from is called The Maker. For those who don’t know, there are four secret raid bosses that you can find in the Chaos Chamber. If you manage to defeat all of them in a single run, you will be able to fight The Maker. The Maker is a boss fight against Tina herself.

For an easier way to get your hands on this weapon, you can obtain it from the loot chest and barfing rabbits at the end of the Chaos Chamber. The barfing rabbit statues cost 500 crystals. You should be able to use the pistol statue at least twice at the end of any run. This will give you a good chance at getting the pistol without needing to go through all the hassle of defeating a raid boss. As always, you can increase your chances of getting legendary gear by finding Lucky Dice, completing the Shrine of Aaron G, and obtaining gear that increases your Loot Luck.