The RX-78-2 is the Gundam from the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime from 1979. The RX-78, affectionately nicknamed by the fandom as the Granddaddy Gundam, is the face of the multi-million dollar Gundam franchise and has a major role in SD Gundam Battle Alliance. The RX-78 isn’t a mobile suit readily available at the start of the game though, and you will need to collect specific items to unlock it.
How to get the RX-78-2 Gundam
If you pre-ordered the game, the RX-78-2 Gundam is unlocked early for you. However, if you didn’t pre-order the game, you need to collect Blueprints to gain the RX-78 in SD Gundam Battle Alliance. Blueprints are items that certain enemies or bosses drop, with each Blueprint tied to a specific mobile suit. Most grunt suits like the Zakus and GMs only require you to find one Blueprint but in the case of the main Gundam suits from the franchise, you will have to find multiple specific Blueprints to access them.
For the RX-78-2 Gundam, you need two Gundam Blueprint I, two Gundam Blueprint II, and three Gundam Blueprint III. Gundam Blueprint I is dropped by Ramba Ral’s Gouf in the True Mission for Directory 1A, Ramba Ral’s Attack. All missions in Battle Alliance are split as either Break, Irregular, Chaos, or True Missions. Completing a mission will unlock new versions of that same mission that you can complete again. For example, after finishing the Break Missions for 1A, 1B, and 1C, you will unlock the True Mission for 1A.
Gundam Blueprint II is dropped by Plugin P in the Irregular Mission for Directory 2D, Trails to the Land. Gundam Blueprint III is dropped by the Big Zam in the True Mission for Directory 3C, Big Zam’s Last Stand. All the enemies will drop the same items every time you defeat them. For instance, if you redo the Ramba Ral’s Attack and defeat the Gouf again, the Gouf will drop the Gundam Blueprint I once more. You will need to redo the missions a few times until you gain enough Blueprints to unlock the RX-78-2 Gundam.