The Sharklescent is a unique ring that you can find in the Wonderlands. This ring is more like a legendary item than the rare item that it is. Most rare-tier rings only increase two stats. For example, you can get your gun damage and melee damage increased. The Sharklescent increases four of your stats instead of the normal two, making it far better to use than most of the rings in the early game. Here is how you get the Sharklescent unique ring in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

Most of the unique items in the game require you to complete a specific quest or task to obtain. The Sharklescent is no different. To obtain this unique ring, you will need to complete the Raiders of the Lost Shark side quest. This quest isn’t able to be completed until after you complete the Emotion of the Ocean quest in Brighthoof. During this quest, Torgue will fire a bunch of magic missiles into the ocean and blow it up, creating a new section of the Overworld. Once this is done, enter Wargtooth Shallows and find Joyful Roy in the area marked on the map above.

During this quest, you will be tasked with finding lost pearls. All of the pearls will be around a nearby shipwreck. After collecting the pearls, you will need to choose to give them to Joyful Roy or Chumberlee. No matter which one of them you choose to give the pearls to you will still get the Sharklescent ring as your reward. After fighting the one you didn’t choose, the quest will be complete and the ring will be yours. You can also get this ring later on by purchasing it from the vending machines. The vending machines aren’t guaranteed to have the ring. If you want to get the ring at level 40, you may want to wait to complete the quest until you reach the max level.