There are achievements, and then there are genuine bragging rights. If you want to ride with the elites of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and get your hands on the Sintouched Deathwalker mount, you have your work cut out for you. Hopefully, you’re good in group situations, because you’ll be seeing many other players before you can summon this mount.

The Sintouched Deathwalker is your reward for earning the Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season One achievement. To add this to your title, you need to survive all eight of the dungeons in Shadowlands on Mythic 15 difficulty or higher. This is the cream of the crop, and your ability as a dungeon player will be put to the test if you expect to take home the Sintouched Deathwalker.

The dungeons are listed here for your reference:

  • De Other SideHalls of AtonementMists of Tirna ScitheNecrotic wakePlaguefallSanguine DepthsSpires of AscensionTheater of Pain

Although achievements are listed across your entire WoW account, you’ll need to use the same character to fulfill the requirements of completing the eight Shadowlands dungeons on Mythic 15. There’s also a time limit in each dungeon at this difficulty. If you need practice, you could begin your runs on Mythic 10, and completing each dungeon at this level will earn you a title of The Sinful. You’ll rack up plenty of Anima before you earn your Sintouched Deathwalker mount.