Final Fantasy XIV kicks off their 2022 Starlight Celebration, and with it comes fun rewards like the Starlight Steed Horn. With this, you will earn yourself a reindeer mount right in time for the holiday season. It only takes a few quests to unlock too. So, you can get it in no time and parade around with your cool, festive reindeer companion. Our guide will walk you through everything you need to do so you can get the Starlight Steed.

Starlight Steed Horn Quests in Final Fantasy XIV

The Starlight Celebration will run in Final Fantasy XIV until December 31, 2022, ending at 6:59 am PST/14:49 GMT. Once this time passes, you cannot complete any of these quests for the rewards. So, you’ll want to get to it as soon as possible.

Listed below are the quests you must complete in order to get the Starlight Steed Horn in Final Fantasy XIV:

  • Reindeer Fame
  • The Ghost of Starlight Present

Reindeer Fame Quest

We’re ready to start our path to the Starlight Steed Horn in Final Fantasy XIV. To access this quest, you first must be at Level 15. From there, go to Old Gridania to meet with Amh Gartanjy (X:10:2, Y:9.4). You’re tasked to gather up the children at the following locations in Old Gridania:

  • Bright-eyed Boy (X:14.0, Y:9.0)
  • Cautious Child (X:13.4, Y:6.6)
  • Lively Lad (X:12.4, Y:6.1)

Next in your quest to get the Starlight Steed Horn in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll stay in Old Gridania. Find Laurenssen (X:10.5, Y:5.9). Afterward, interact with the Destination point.

Now, return to Laurenssen, this time at X:4.8, Y:7.4. He’ll run off no matter what you say. So, find him again at X:7.0, Y:8.0. With this concluded, you can move on to the second quest.

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The Ghost of Starlight Present Quest

You’ll have to speak with Laurenssen (X:7.0, Y:8.0) in Old Gridania. You must use the soothe emote on him to calm him. To gather information about the missing reindeer Blitzen, speak with three NPCs in Old Gridania:

  • Happy Holidaymaker (X:8.7, Y:8.4)
  • Charmed Citizen (X:10.0, Y:8.7)
  • Frost Fanatic (X:11.5, Y:9.4)

You’re closer to the Starlight Steed Horn in Final Fantasy XIV now.

From this point, go to New Gridania to find Blitzen (X:11.5, Y:12.1). You can say anything at this point and move on with the quest.

Stay in New Gridania and find Tearful Tot (X:12.4, Y:11.8). After this, return to Old Gridania and meet up with Amh Gartanjy (X:10:2, Y:9.4). This will complete the quest and grant you the Starlight Steed Horn so you can summon your reindeer mount. Also, you’ll get the “Make it Reindeer” achievement.

So, all it takes are two quests for you to ride away with an awesome reindeer. Hop into the celebration before it’s too late.

Final Fantasy XIV is available for PC, and PS5 and PS4 consoles.