Dying Light 2 Stay Human has no shortage of trials for you to complete as you parkour your way around the city of Villedor. The achievement and trophy list will test your skills along the way as well. The achievement called Tanning Salon tasks you with killing a viral with the UV Flashlight. Here is how to do that.

To get the Tanning Salon achievement or trophy in Dying Light 2 Stay Human, you will first need to unlock the UV Flashlight. This can only be done in the main story, but will take a while to get to.

Once you get the flashlight, we recommend upgrading it at least one time. That will add more battery to the charge to make this achievement much easier. Gather Military Tech from GRE drops along with undead trophies and money and go to a Craftmaster to upgrade it.

The easiest way to kill a viral with the UV Flashlight is to first make it night time and find a safe area. What you want to do is step out onto a street and let a Howler see you so it screams and begins a chase. Virals are the regular-sized zombies that run at you. Lead them to the UV light of the safe area and they will back off. At this point, use your UV Flashlight and get it focused on one of the virals. Eventually, they will fall to the ground and burn up, unlocking the achievement.