The Chaperone isn’t the only shotgun in town that can stylishly reload with a lever flip now—introducing the Wastelander M5, a Tex Mechanica legendary kinetic shotgun in the lightweight frame family. Introduced in the Bungie 30th Anniversary Event, this shotgun can roll with some very nice perk combinations, making it necessary for those on the hunt for a kinetic shotgun that isn’t a slug. In this guide, we will go over how to acquire this weapon and some perk combinations to be on the lookout for in PvE and PvP activities.

How to get

Getting your hands on this shotgun is not as difficult as one might think and only requires you to complete the Dares of Eternity event and collect Treasure Keys. Once you have collected a key, all you need to do is visit Xur’s Treasure Hoard and interact with the white chest on the edge of Xur’s platform. At the cost of one key per drop, it is advisable to have a few keys at the ready as the nature of the treasure chest is entirely up to chance.

God Rolls

This shotgun can roll with notable shotgun perks like Trench Barrel, One-Two Punch, Dual Loader, and Subsistence, which puts this weapon into the ring with The Comedian shotgun. Now perks rolls are subjective and entirely dependent on your taste, but we have a few combinations for consideration for PvE and PvP activities.


  • Subsistence & Trench Barrel / One-Two Punch

If you manage to get this combination of perks, then you are in for a treat. This weapon turns into an absolute fiend for general activities with these perks. Running around one-shotting red bar enemies that, upon kill, instantly add a round back into the weapon is a beautiful feeling. Coupling this with either Trench Barrel or One-Two Punch, this shotgun will bring major enemies crashing down into dust.


  • Slideshot & Killing Wind / Harmony

Mobility is critical in Crucible, as players will know, and these perks capitalize on that while benefitting the shotgun. Slideshot is great for getting a quick reload in while sliding into position, following it up with a kill to grant a boost to mobility, range, and handling, thanks to Killing Wind. For those that prefer a more secondary approach with their shotguns, Harmony is a great alternative that improves the weapon’s damage and performance after getting final blows with other weapons.