The Windborne Velocidrake mount is the second dragonriding mount you can obtain in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. If you’re interested in getting your hands on it, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what we know about how to get the Windbrone Velcidrake mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
Obtaining the Windborne Velocidrate mount in WoW Dragonflight
The Windborne Velocidrake mount is only obtainable through the progression of the WoW Dragonflight campaign. Unlike the Renewed Protodrake mount, which you obtain before it, the Windborne Velocidrake is received toward the end of the campaign questline located within the Ohn’ahran Plains. You’ll receive this reward by completing the campaign quest, Shady Sanctuary. You’ll first need to unite the four centaur tribes that roam the Ohn’ahran Plains to get your hands on it, but this is done solely through the campaign and by no other additional effort from you.
The good news is that as long as you continue working through the Dragonflight campaign, you cannot miss getting your hands on this mount. This is also the case for the two other mounts obtained through the campaign.
For more guides and content on World of Warcraft Dragonflight, check out Best Add-ons for World of Warcraft Dragonflight (2022), How to Dismount your dragon in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, and All WoW Games in Order – World of Warcraft Expansions List all right here on Pro Game Guides.