With the launch of Season Four, Treyarch has added a new version of Shi No Numa to Call of Duty: Vanguard’s Zombies mode. However, rounds were not the only thing to rise from the dead. The fan-favorite wonder weapon, the Wunderwaffe, has also made a triumphant return. Here is how you can get the Wunderwaffe on Shi No Numa.

How to build the Wunderwaffe in Shi No Numa

Step 1

The first step to building the Wunderwaffe is to head over to the Comms Room area of the map. You will want to open up the building in the back of this area. After heading inside the building, go to the right-hand side, where you should spot a white table with a lamp shining down on it. On this table, you will find an Electrical Fuse. Pick this up and move on to the next step.

Step 2

The next step is to make your way over to the Fishing Hut branch of the map. Inside the Fishing Hut, turn to your right immediately after walking through the door, you will see a shelf behind the door with many objects on it. You are looking to grab the Weapon Barrel that is located in the middle of the bottom shelf.

Step 3

Once you have the Weapon Barrell, you will now begin gathering three Charged Vaccum Tubes. Make your way back to just outside the Comms Room. In the water, here, you should find a generator. Attach the Weapon Barrel to this generator and get ready. You will be tasked with defending this generator while it powers on. It isn’t too tough, but at higher rounds, you will want to make sure you have some strong tools at your disposal, such as the Ray Gun.

Step 4

Once you are finished defending the generator, you will want to head back inside the Comms Room. Here, in the room that is located in the building’s back-left corner room, you will find a shelf with a radio on it. You just powered up this radio and should now be able to grab the first Charged Vaccum Tube from it. Once you have the Vacuum Tube, you are ready for the next step.

Step 5

Next, you need to make your way over to the Storage building. Here, you will find the workbench where you eventually put together the Wunderwaffe. Next to the workbench, you will see a fusebox where you can turn on the electrical trap at the door of the Storage Building. Turn on the trap and wait for its time to run out. Then, the fusebox will open. Place the electrical Fuse you picked up in Step 1 into the box, and it will automatically turn it on again. Finally, turn it on one last time once it cools down, and you will notice a second charged Vaccum Tube appear on the workbench.

Step 6

To get the final Charged Vacuum Tube, you need to wait for Zaballa to spawn. She is a witch that wears multiple masks and attacks with lighting orbs. Take her to the middle of the map in the Excavation Room, where you will find a coil. Get her to use her lightning attacks near the coil a few times until it is all the way charged up. Once it’s done, you can pick up the third and final Vaccum Tub from the table next to it.

Step 7

The final step is just heading back to the Storage building and crafting the Wunderwaffe. It takes about five seconds to craft, so make sure that you have plenty of time so as to not get trapped. The weapon fires electrical charges that chain to other nearby enemies, damaging them and stunning them. By default, it will hold three charges before needing to reload. However, it can be placed into the Pack-a-Punch machine to increase the number of charges it holds to six.

For more on Call of Duty, check out Call of Duty Warzone & Vanguard Season 4 – Release Date, Roadmap, and more right here on Pro Game Guides.