When you’re ready to teach some companions the Hex move in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you need to get TM029. There can be a host of reasons why you need the TM. Perhaps you want a Pokémon like Gastly to learn the move early on without leveling up. Or maybe you have a favorite companion like Elektross that can’t learn it any other way? Regardless, you must look for TM029 Hex first before you can craft it. We’ll highlight the various areas to check out.

TM029 Hex Location in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Hex is a classic Ghost-type move introduced in the 5th Generation. When used, it does incredible damage to an opponent that has a Status Effect. If you don’t know, status conditions are the likes of burn, sleep, paralysis, frozen, and poison. This is a type of move that comes in handy depending on your build and who you are battling.

If you want to try it out with a Pokémon that can’t learn it in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, then you must track down TM029 Hex. Thankfully, the TM is found in a few different locations.

Via the image above, you can travel to the Watchtower in West Province (Area One). Head to the boulder near the cliff to see the shining TM029 in a yellow Poké Ball.

Another area you can get TM029 Hex in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is northeast in North Province (Area Two). Go to the Pokémon Center, and from there, go around the hills to see the TM on the ground. For more assistance, check out the image below:

How to Get TM051 Sandstorm in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

With TM029 Hex in your grasp, you can finally work on crafting the move in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Just head to any Pokémon Center and use the TM Machine. Of course, you must have all the right materials and enough League Points to make it. We’ve listed everything you need below:

  • 3,000 LP
  • x3 Mimikyu Scrap
  • x3 Greavard Wax

For Mimikyu Scrap, it only comes from Mimikyu. So, look around Tagtree Thicket for Mimikyu. However, you might also find a wild one in East Province (Area Two) and Glaseado Mountain.

Next up to make TM029 Hex in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you need enough Greavard Wax. This drops from the ghost-like dog Greavward and their evolutions. To battle them, check out Glaseado Mountain.

Always remember to save up on your League Points, too, so you can craft TM029 Hex whenever you wish.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is available on Nintendo Switch.