With a new race comes a new capital to explore. Exodar is the home city of the Draenei race. It’s a lush place but is pretty tedious to get to and is like a maze to navigate its many layers and pathways. But if you want to level up your Jewelcrafting, Exodar is the only place with a Jewelcrafting trainer.

The fastest way to get to Exodar is via portal, but without funds to pay a random Mage to help you, or a Mage friend to do this for you, it’s unlikely this is how you’ll travel there.

This means you’ll need to travel there manually. Head to the Darkshore area via flight master if Alliance or north from Zoram’garf Outpost in Ashenvale. When in Darkshore, go to Auberdine, located on the west coast, underneath Bashal’aran and above Ameth’aran. From Auberdine, take the middle boat to Exodar—make sure you take the middle boat, as three boats make berth here.

Alternatively, if you have access to Sattrath City in Outland, you can travel to Exodar via portal, as this city has portals for all main capitals. All you need to do is interact with the correct portal and be instantly teleported to Exodar.