Malefactor’s Evergaol is one of 11 Evergaols in the Lands Between of Elden Ring. All Evergaols contain extremely dangerous boss enemies, who can be defeated in return for high-value rewards. Malefactor’s Evergaol is at the top of a cliff northwest of Stormveil Castle. Inside, you’ll encounter Adan, Thief of Fire, who drops the Flame of the Fell God Incantation — if you can defeat him, that is. Starting from the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace behind Stormveil Castle, follow the following directions to get to Malefactor’s Evergaol.
Follow the road west, past the Church of Irith (home of Sorceror Thops) and the graveyard opposite the church. Continue following the road as it turns northwest and passes through a narrow canyon. After emerging from the canyon, you’ll come across a soldier camp. Defeat the soldiers here, and collect the Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [1] if you haven’t already.
After the camp, follow the road north until you reach the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace and, just beyond that, a Nomadic Merchant sitting by a fire. This merchant can sell you the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [11], by the way. Continue north then northwest into the shallows of the lake, keeping the cliff close on your left. Mount your trusty Spirit Steed, Torrent, and use the Spiritspring Jump near the cliff to launch yourself onto the top of it.
Turn left to face east and you’ll see a large stone circle in the ground surrounded by pillars, and possibly at least one strange worm-like creature. These worms and pillars are actually the same thing. They are Abnormal Stone Clusters, and they’re pretty easy to beat. Just attack them relentlessly and defeat them before they can charge an attack. If they do manage to charge an attack, get out of the way fast, as they can do quite a lot of damage. Abnormal Stone Clusters always drop Ruin Fragments, so Malefactor’s Evergaol, like all Evergaols, is a great place to farm Ruin Fragments. Use the glowing platform in the center of the circle to access Malefactor’s Evergaol and face Adan, Thief of Fire.