One of the few continents in Lost Ark with a huge skill wall is Rohendel. It requires more than just completing certain quests. Here’s the list of steps to get there in order:
- Visit the Queen in Vern Castle and complete two Roster Quests.A New Voyage.Wall of Procyon.You can skip this step if you have already completed these quests with another character.Upgrade materials for your ship.If you have not yet, upgrade your ship to level 2. It will not make the voyage but it will get close enough that it will automatically head to the Rohendel port when its durability runs out.Get to gear level 460.More on this below.Sail from North Vern Port to Rohendel.
How to reach Gear Level 460 fast
You will receive gear that will boost you to level 320 after completing the main quests in Shushire. From there, you will need to boost yourself to Level 460. Honing your gear is the only way to achieve this, which requires Leapstones and fragments.
A New Voyage.Wall of Procyon.You can skip this step if you have already completed these quests with another character.
If you have not yet, upgrade your ship to level 2. It will not make the voyage but it will get close enough that it will automatically head to the Rohendel port when its durability runs out.Get to gear level 460.More on this below.
Our gear level reached 460 in two days for $9.99. Fragments and Leapstones can be found in Chaos dungeons, but they become rare after completing them once. These can also be obtained by logging in consecutively for a few days.
It may be pay-to-win, but you can buy crystals from the Lost Ark Shop (Hotkey F4) and spend them on Guardian Stone Crystals Fragments and Harmony Leapstones. As a result of playing the game, you should have a lot of Crystals, so you may not even need to pay for them.
This is what we did, and it didn’t take us long. Otherwise, you should grind Guardian Raids and Chaos Dungeons until you have enough Fragments and Leapstones.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out All Mokoko Seed locations in Port Krona in Lost Ark and All Mokoko Seed locations in Vern Castle in Lost Ark on Pro Game Guides.