To complete the Adventurer’s Tome, you must find a collectible item called Voice Breaking the Day in Lost Ark. Monsters will drop the Voice Breaking the Day collectible on the Shushire Continent (or other areas, if you have already visited Shushire).

Where is Voice Breaking the Day in Shushire?

The Frozen Sea area in Shushire is a good place to look for this collectible. This isn’t a guarantee, and we recommend going to areas with a lot more enemies before trying to gather any collectibles.

Monsters will drop these main collectibles randomly, so it’s all based on luck and farming. The collectible looks like a piece of paper with slight tears around the edges. According to the description, the book was written by a prisoner who says that everyone has the right to freedom.

You should take it to a secluded, safe area before adding it to your Lost Ark collection. The best place is Rigens Village, since it has no enemies and is the main village for Shushire. It’s not as extravagant as other major cities on the Continents, but it’s the best Shushire has.

Open your Inventory by pressing the I key, then right-click on Voice Breaking the Day. The Adventurer’s Tome will notify you when the Voice Breaking the Day Collection is added.

For more Lost Ark guides, check out How to get the Thick Parchment in Lost Ark or How to get the Guardian’s Record in Lost Ark right here on Pro Game Guides.