For a long time, buying a digital game on an online store and gifting it to a friend was impossible. That has since changed with Steam and Xbox allowing users to simply pick out a game, pay for it, and send the download to a friend to play and enjoy. While those two gaming marketplaces have had the functionality for years, the PlayStation 4 never implemented a gift-giving feature. Has that changed with the release of the PlayStation 5?

Unfortunately, as of this writing, you cannot buy a game on the PlayStation 5 store and send it to a friend. Even with one of the PS5 models being digital-only, there is no functionality to do so in the marketplace. No official word has come from Sony about possibly implementing the feature in the future. The gift-giving process becomes more challenging when you realize that Sony no longer allows full game gift cards at retail stores since April 2019.

It is important to remember that many big games will retail for $69.99, so If you want to cover the entire purchase, you will need to get one of the higher-priced codes or grab multiple cards to add together. Even if you grab a lower value than the game’s price, it will knock off the amount the receiver needs to pay for the game.

It is unfortunate that Sony has still not implemented a way to give a game as a gift on the PlayStation 5 marketplace. If a gift-giving feature is ever added in, we will be sure to update this article.