Diablo 2 Resurrected is a very unforgiving game as you progress further into your campaign. So to compensate for its punishing nature, the game allows the players to hire various mercenaries as companions to help them with their campaign. To hire a mercenary in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you must contact any mercenary contractors according to your ACT and pay a fee in gold for the reporting mercenary.
Before hiring a mercenary, you must know all the NPC who will sell a mercenary to you. There are different contractors in each ACT, and you must contact them according to your current ACT.
For example, If you are in ACT-I, you should contact Kashya roaming your base camp. After interacting, she will provide you with a list of all mercenaries. Pick and hire any mercenary by paying their respective fees as gold. All the NPC will be present in their base camp according to the ongoing ACT, Contact each one of them after completing their requirements.
As mentioned in the table, each contractor has its own type of mercenaries. While mercenaries from the Barbarians clan are good at close-to-close combat, Archers from Rogue Encampment excel at long-range battles. Choose your mercenary according to your character type and playstyle.
Remember, Tyrael from ACT-IV will not provide you with any new mercenaries but will help you resurrect dead ones.
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