To identify the Onryo in Phasmophobia, you will need the following pieces of evidence in the game.

  • Spirt boxGhost OrbsFreezing Temperatures

If you find all three pieces of evidence, mark them in your journal and the game will indicate the Onryo as the ghost haunting the map. That said If you need any help getting all three pieces of evidence, the chart below can help you out.

All Strengths and Weaknesses for the Onryo in Phasmophobia

The Onryo is a ghost that steals the souls of it’s victims. But more importantly, it’s scared of fire. Lighting a candle can keep the ghost from attacking, thus exploiting its main weakness. However, if the candle goes out, the ghost will be extremely aggressive and might start a hunt. Here’s a recap of all the strengths and weaknesses to look out for when encountering an Onryo.

  • Strengths: Will be extremely agressive and start hunts if there is no fire source present.

  • Weakness: Scare of fire so will be less likely to hunt the player

For more on Phasmophobia. we recommend checking out Phasmophobia Ghost Trigger Phrases and How to use the Spirit Box in Phasmophobia.