A character’s morale in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes allows them to deal more damage in combat. You want to try and enhance a character’s morale as much as possible before entering a heavy engagement, giving everyone in your group the best chance to walk away without perishing. There are a handful of ways you can manage each character’s morale, ensuring it never falls too far. Here’s what you need to know about how to increase a character’s morale in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
How morale works in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
You can review each character’s morale by going to the Convoy page. Here, your entire roster will be available for you to examine, and you can see their Morale symbol adjacent to their Class Abilities. Each Morale symbol represents an overall score.
There are four Morale symbols you want to keep in mind when reviewing your characters. There is the grey neutral face, the orange happy face, the yellow excited face, and the joyous green face.
The higher a character’s morale score, the more damage they will do in combat. Giving someone a gift is the most direct way to increase a character’s morale. You can find them in camp and choose from the many options in your inventory. A character’s likes and dislikes will be on the lower-left part of the screen when presenting a gift to them. You will want to give them something from their “likes” category. It may take some experimentation to determine the exact items each character wants to receive as a gift.
You can also increase a character’s morale by doing Activities with them or taking them out on Expeditions. Both choices use Activity Points, and you have a limited number of them available. Gifts are likely the best way to reach the highest Morale level with everyone on your roster without needlessly your Activity Points.