LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has many aliens who speak different languages. You are very likely to come across those who speak Basic (English in Star Wars), but there are times when there will be a language barrier. Luckily, the solution is easy.

Protocol Droids, like C-3PO, can communicate in multiple alien languages. If you speak to an alien with a Protocol Droid, you will be able to understand them. When you’re playing a Protocol Droid, just walk up to them and press the talk button (O on PS4/PS5 and B on Xbox).

There will be weird typography when you play as any other kind of character while talking to an alien. The Protocol Droid will not translate the message if they are merely in your party. You have to play as the droid to have it translated.

We recommend always having a Protocol Droid in your party when walking through the Freeplay areas because these NPCs normally give out free rumors. Since rumors can cost 30,000 Lego Studs, this companion is well worth it.

For more LEGO Star Wars guides, check out How to switch characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga or Can you skip cutscenes in LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga? on Pro Game Guides.