In short, if you want to join a gang, you must start at a very young gang and commit a ton of petty crimes to build up a criminal reputation. We highly recommend starting at age eight, as this will be the age most crimes will unlock for the player. 

You will also need to commit a ton of crimes at age eight, and every time you age until more serious crimes unlock, such as bank robberies and car thief. Both of which unlock at age sixteen, so when you reach this age, you will want to switch over to more serious crimes.  

Keep doing this until you reach age eighteen, as you will be able to join various organized crime families at this age. However, if you are looking for more street-level gangs, there aren’t any, and the only thing close to it is prison gangs.

If you want to join a prison gang, you need to be sent to prison. This won’t be hard if you are committing a ton of crimes, as quite often, you will get caught and sent away. When you get sent to prison, 

That said, you will have a few options once you are in prison. One of these will be to join a prison gang, and it will be under Gangs in the prison activities. However, you will need to have high respect in order to join some of these gangs. To earn respect, you will need to commit various crimes and actions while in prison. The following is a list of all of these actions.

  • Get into fightsStart RiotsCommit manslaughter or murder while in prison.

High respect is vital in joining gangs, but other gangs will have special requirements that you will need to meet based on the name of the gang. If you want to know what these requirements are, check the list below. 

How to join every Prison gang in Bitlife

  • Bitizen Mafia - You need the highest amount of respect in order to join.Killbillies - Requires High respect, and you need to get into a ton of fights. Golden Girls - You need to be at least age 65 and up to join this gang.Switchblade Sisterhood - Requires High respect, and you need to get into a ton of fights. Wrinkly Sneaks -  You need to be at least age 65 and up to join this gang.Heck’s Angels - You need to be both feared and have high respect to join.Pussyfoots - There is no requirement to join this gang, as it is the weakest out of all of them. Beefcake Bandits - You must have high looks of at least 80 percent to join this gang. Tattletale Squad -  There is no requirement to join this gang, as it is the weakest out of all of them. Sexy Syndicate - You must have high looks of at least 80 percent to join this gang. Illegal Jailiens - To join this gang, you must be born from another country. Smart Sistas - You need to have high smarts to join this gang.Brain Brothas - You need to have high smarts to join this gang.Harley’s Angels - You need to be both feared and have high respect to join.Cash Money Wreckers - You need to have a ton of money in your bank account in order to join. Blue Ball Bulls - You need to be both vicious and respected to join this gang.The Plastics - You need to be both vicious and respected to join this gang.

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