To kill the mailman and complete the Delivered to the Heavens achievement, you will need to kill a mailman. Start by creating a household dog as these characters are more likely to encounter a mailman than other animal backgrounds.
That said, once you create a character, what you will need to do is age up until you encounter a mailman. Doing so may take a few tries, but you will eventually encounter one if you are a household dog. When it finally happens, you will be given a few choices of what to do with the mailman.
Ignore all of them and just choose the one that says attack them. Clicking this option will allow you to choose various attack options and where you attack the mailman.
Before choosing anything, it’s important to note that some attack types will deal less damage than others, and so it’s best to choose one that sounds deadly. We recommend choosing something like Maul or chomp and then attacking a part of the mailman’s body, such as the throat.
Choosing an attack like maul will cause the most damage to the mailman and end up killing them, which is the goal, and will complete the Delivered to the Heavens achievement in DogLife.
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