Roundtable Hold is the hub location of Elden Ring, but it isn’t a place that you can find by exploring the game’s huge world of the Lands Between. Instead, once she’s decided you’ve explored the Lands Between enough, Melina the Finger Maiden will offer to take you there from a Site of Grace. Once you get there, there’s a lot to explore, and may NPCs to talk to, but there are no exits. There are lots of doors, sure. But none of them opens back out to the Lands Between. So, how exactly do you get out of Roundtable Hold?

You get out of Roundtable Hold in much the same way as you came in. So, to leave Roundtable Hold, open your in-game map, zoom out, and find a previously discovered Site of Grace. Roundtable Hold is in the southwest corner of the map, so you’ll probably need to move up and right to find territory you’ve already explored. Choose a Site of Grace, then select Travel to leave Roundtable Hold and travel to your chosen Site of Grace. This is the only way to leave Roundtable Hold. There are no conventional exits that you can find, open, and walk through.