Leveling up psychic is the closest this game gets to being an AFK. But by modifying the base number of skill gain, you can boost your psychic stats to the next level in no time at all.
Option One: Flying
If you can fly but you aren’t ready to use any of the resources found on the Floating Zen Temple, the easiest way to boost your psychic is by meditating in midair. Double tap your spacebar to take off and then hit 3 to begin meditating. The base skill gain when meditating this way is +100, as opposed to +1, which you get every 1.5 seconds when meditating on the ground.
Option Two: Modifiers
The trouble with flying is that it requires 10,000 Psychic Power in order to take off for the first time. If you don’t have that yet and don’t want to sit around for hours watching your psychic creep up, click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and click on the Skill tab. You can use skulls to upgrade the amount you earn. By upgrading your Psychic Power up to x16, for instance, you’ll get +16 while meditating on the ground as opposed to +1.
Upgrading psychic can be a bit of a drain, but by upgrading modifiers and meditating mid-flight you’ll be able to train in the Floating Zen Temple and see real gains in your Psychic Power in no time.
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