A new creature heading to Minecraft are bees. These cute little creatures are fluttering around forests, eagerly looking for pollen to bring back to their nest to turn into honey. How can you use them for your advantage to start cultivating them? What use do they have to you? Well, if you’re willing to do a little work, you can move them a little bit closer to start pollinating your plants and collecting honey from their homes. To do so, you’re going to need to create a beehive.
How to Make a Beehive in Minecraft
Collecting the Honeycombs
You’re going to need two ingredients to create a beehive. You’re going to need six planks of any variety and three honeycombs. The planks are not going to take long to gather up. The honeycombs, however, take a bit more time. You need to use a specialized tool to harvest the honeycombs from a bee’s nest. You need to use sheers. You can freely chip away at the bee’s hive to destroy it and have it drop the honeycombs.
You’re going to get attacked by the bees as soon as you start hitting it, though, because you’re attacking their home. To turn them passive, you can start a campfire underneath the hive to have the smoke shoot up into the nest. You won’t get attacked by the bees, freeing you to do whatever you need while you’re there.
Creating and Using the Bee’s Hive
After you collect the honeycomb from the bee’s nest and you have all of your planks, you can create the bee’s hive at any time to keep in your inventory. You have a few options available you’ll want to want to think about when considering where to place your new item. You can choose to have a massive pile of them nearby your house or put them in the middle of your garden. You may want to consider placing them in the middle of your garden because when bees collect pollen and return to the hive, they drop some of it on your plants. The fallen pollen increases its growth rate over time.
With the hive in place, bees can choose to live there. They might take a little time to get there, but if you have flowers and other plants about it, they should gather into it. Additionally, you can reach into it and collect the honey without needing an empty bottle, like you would if you were receiving it from a bee’s nest.