As Minecraft heads towards the release of the big new Caves and Cliffs update, it looks like they’ve decided to start dropping some bits and pieces from it in the way of Snapshots. Unfortunately, if you play on the Bedrock version of the game, you will not have access to it. However, if you have the Minecraft Java version, you can try these out for yourself! While not everything that is coming in the update has been added, you can still build and create some new stuff as more snapshots are released.

Creating a Spyglass

To make a Spyglass, you are going to need 1 Amethyst Shard and 2 Copper Ingots. Amethyst Shards can be found underground in Amethyst Geode locations. These are semi-rare spawns that contain Amethyst Blocks, as well as Budding Amethyst blocks that will grow Amethyst Clusters. You can break these clusters and obtain the Amethyst Shards you need. Copper is also a new resource, which can be found pretty much anywhere underground that you can find Iron Ore.

Now that you have yourself a Spyglass, what exactly can you do with it? Well, it serves mainly one function and that is to zoom in your vision on an area you are targeting. You just need to hit the Use Item/Place Block button you have assigned, which is usually right-click on PC. If you have your Spyglass equipped, this will zoom in the view and place a circular vignette on the screen. It basically closes out your peripheral vision and focuses on the location you are aiming. If you don’t like the vignette, you can press F1 on PC to remove it. This removes the HUD as well, so press it again to enable that once you’re done.

If you enjoy exploring around and have a hard time of knowing where to go next, then this is going to be a great tool for you to decide where you should head!