In Minecraft, an Armor Stand is a decorative piece that can hold your wearable items so they can always be on display around your house. With this, you don’t have to take up Chest storage or wear everything at all times. It also will add a little flair to your living area as you set the stand up in various poses. Here is how you can make an Armor Stand in Minecraft.
How to craft an Armor Stand in Minecraft
To craft an Armor Stand, you will need six Sticks and one Smooth Stone Slab. Sticks can be found in a variety of places. The easiest way is to find the nearest tree and break down a block of It. In the crafting menu, make it into Wooden Planks and from there, make it into Sticks.
Smooth Stone Slabs can easily be created as well. To make them, dig out some Cobblestone with a Pickaxe. You will need to put the Cobblestone in the top slot in a Furnace to remake it into Smooth Stone. You will need three of these. Once you have them, you can create the Smooth Stone Slab at a Crafting Table. The crafting recipe has you place the three Smooth Stones along the bottom boxes to craft the item.
Now that you have your six Sticks and Smooth Stone Slab, you can craft the Armor Stand. The ingredient grid will require you to put three Sticks across the top three slots. In the middle row, a Stick goes in the middle slot. Finally, along the bottom, the Smooth Stone Slab will go in the middle with the remaining two Sticks on either side of it. Move the completed armor stand into your inventory.
Now that you have an Armor Stand, you can set it down somewhere and place your unused armor on it for a little decorative flavor. To change the Armor Stand’s position, crouch and interact with it to make it dance through a variety of poses. You can also place a Sword and Shield in the hands of the stand for a little more decoration pizazz.