You will mine many items in Stardew Valley, quartz especially as it is required to make refined quartz, which is further needed for several crafting recipes. 

How to get refined quartz in Stardew Valley

To make quartz in Stardew Valley, you will need to mine quartz inside the mine on levels three and below. You can also find it sometimes inside garbage cans, but only rarely, and you can sometimes get it as loot from stone golems. However, they only drop it at a 10 percent chance, so don’t rely on getting it from them. Lastly, you can also potentially up to 3 quartz when ghostfish fish pond reaches a population of nine.

That said, once you get quartz from any of the above methods, you will then need to take it to a furnace and smelt it down with one coal; smelting the quartz down will take around one to five hours of in-game time to complete. After this, you will get refined quartz, which you can then use to make the items listed below.

  • Lighting Rod Crystal Floor Crystal Path Garden Pot Quality Sprinkler Solar Panel Farm Computer

How to recycle to get refined quartz in Stardew Valley

Another method to get refined quartz is to recycle a few items; doing this is a profitable way to quickly and easily get refined quartz. That said, you can recycling the following items inside a recycling machine to get refined quartz.

  • Broken CD Borken Glasses

You can get both of these items from fishing, crab pots, and searching garbage cans.

For more on  Stardew Valley, we at PGG have you covered with tons of guides like how to get iron bars and how to get ancient fruit in Stardew Valley.