In the post-apocalyptic world of Dying Light 2, just about anything has been turned into a weapon. Everything from street signs to table legs is used in the fight against the Infected. Though, like all good things, these weapons will have an end and break after you’ve used them for a while. Here is how you can manage Weapon Durability in Dying Light 2.

How to repair a weapon

In Dying Light 2, a weapon can be one of five different rarities that determine its durability. These rarities are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, and Artifact. Regardless of the weapon’s rarity, its durability will run out eventually. However, there are a few ways that players can manage their weapon’s durability and make sure they get the most out of their favorite weapons.

  • Install Mods - Every time you install a mod on your weapon, it will repair 50 durability for that weapon. Some weapons have three mod slots meaning that you could potentially repair 150 durability by installing all three mods. You should install these mods when the weapon is about to break, to get the most out of the weapon.Install the Reinforcement Mod - This mod will decrease the rate at which the weapon loses durability. With each upgrade of this blueprint, you can decrease the rate of durability loss all the way up to 100 percent. Though this won’t take the degradation of durability completely away, but it will happen at a much slower rate.Korek Charm - The last way to repair a weapon is by installing the Korek Charm. This charm grants +500 durability to any weapon it is installed on. It is quite the process to get, but it is a helpful addition to your kit, as you can use it multiple times.

Lastly, it may seem obvious, but be careful where you swing if you want to ensure you don’t waste your weapon’s durability. Melee weapons will lose durability whenever they strike something. This includes not only enemies but also walls and poles. SO make sure you are not wasting precious durability by hitting inanimate objects.

For more Dying Light 2 guides, check out Fastest way to earn Combat and Parkour XP in Dying Light 2 right here on Pro Game Guides.