Taking cover is often essential for surviving an enemy assault in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and using the Mount function will enable combatants to retaliate against their opponents effectively. For those unfamiliar with Mount, it is a combat mechanic that enables players to rest their weapon on a solid surface to receive a substantial buff to their firearm’s recoil control and stability. Although Mounts are excellent for defensive positioning, they are also a great way to prepare for an offensive ambush or peak around a corner with increased firing precision. Therefore, knowing how to Mount in MW2 will be a significant advantage for taking down foes. 

Performing a Mount in MW2

To perform a Mount in Modern Warfare 2, players must approach a wall or waist-high surface, enter ADS mode with their firearm, and press the corresponding input required to Mount. The perspective will switch to a slight zoom, and the weapon’s range of movement will be significantly limited. However, combatants should notice a considerable improvement in their stability and control.

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According to Attack of the Fanboy, the input for Mounting in MW2 will vary depending on the platform players are using. For instance, PC users must press T, while those on Xbox will need to push their RS stick to enter Mounted mode. As for PlayStation players, the R3 stick is the input to Mount on their platform. Whenever combatants come into contact with the corner of a wall or the waist-high surface of a window sill, they will be able to initiate a Mount, altering their posture and weapon control.

Keep in mind that while in Mount mode in MW2, players’ mobility will be greatly reduced unless they exit the position. The range of movement that their weapons are capable of will also receive a debuff in exchange for improved recoil control and stability. Therefore, combatants should always be sure that their surroundings are safe before committing to a Mounted position. Of course, it is not possible to consistently predict a potential flank. Therefore, players are encouraged to practice moving swiftly in and out of Mounting to ensure they never become too comfortable in an immobile posture. 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Source: Attack of the Fanboy