Blue treasure chests are secret items in Sonic Frontiers that grant incredible rewards when discovered and unlocked. Sonic Frontiers features sizeable open-world locations with a large variety of collectibles scattered everywhere. Some are in the open, but others, such as Blue Treasure Chests, are tough to get a hold of. This guide will explain how to open Blue Treasure Chests in Sonic Frontiers.
Where to find and open Blue Treasure Chests in Sonic Frontiers
Blue Treasure Chests are secret items hidden in various locations in each of the three hubs Sonic can explore. You can’t simply open these rare goods even if you find one. They are shown in the game with a blue symbol and a beam of light, like the picture below.
To open a Blue Treasure Chest, you must use the Cyloop ability. You have to unlock this ability in the skill tree to use it. You then must create a circle around the Blue Treasure chest with the Cyloop, and when the loop is closed, the chest will spring open.
To do this, hold the Cyloop button down as you move in a circle. The camera will rise above Sonic to see the shape you’re creating with your energy trail. Surround the Blue Treasure Chest with a closed loop, then release the button. When done correctly, the light will explode, and the chest will grant you a reward.
These rewards range from game-progressing items such as skill points or Vault keys. The most important prize they grant you are Memory Tokens that can help you free Sonic’s oldest and most trusted friends. In the story, Sonic’s companions are trapped in Cyber Space, and these rare tokens are the only way to free them.
Collect as many Blue Treasure Chests as possible to assemble a crew of familiar faces such as Tails and Knuckles.