There are a lot of small mysteries in Martha Is Dead, all of them leading up to one big reveal of what happened to Martha and who is behind. One of the first small mysteries you’ll encounter is Martha’s trinket box, and it helps illuminate some key details of the story. But where is the key to open it?
Where do you find Martha’s Trinket Box?
The day after Guilia’s first nightmare, you wake up in the girls’ room for the first time. While searching around, you can spot Martha’s wooden brown trinket box on her side of the room in the corner. Guilia will remark about it being locked. When you further search the room, you’ll find a key in the bag on Guilia’s side of the room. If you try it on the trinket box, it will not work. This is because it only works on Guilia’s box. You’ll need to find Martha’s specific key.
Where is the key?
It may seem very confusing for players who search the house day after day that they cannot locate the key for the trinket box. Do not fret because you’re not meant to find the key yet. It is not explicitly explained to players, but you cannot find Martha’s key simply by searching around. You will have to progress through the game, eventually getting the key after you complete the quest to meet the Lady in White. After the quest, a cutscene occurs, and your character will then awake in the bathtub with the key in hand.
Want to read more about Martha is Dead? Head over to Is the father in Martha is Dead a Nazi? on Pro Game Guides.