Once you’ve got the overrides for the Clawstrider and various other machines from the Core of Cauldron: IOTA in Horizon Forbidden West, you then need to find a way out of Cauldron: IOTA. The headless Tallneck you’ll find yourself at the feet of after you override the Core is the Salt Bite Tallneck, and it’s your key to the Cauldron: IOTA exit.
Climb down the pillar underneath the Core, then run around the pillar and climb the yellow bar on the southwest side. Override the door, follow the corridor, then jump across the moving platforms. In the next area, kill the machine, then override the Network Uplink to create a bridge. Cross the bridge, climb to the platform, then wait for the vents to open before jumping to them. Climb up then jump to the left, then jump to the first moving column of containers. Hang on until you’re near the top, then jump left. Continue left in this way to reach a high platform overlooking the Salt Bite Tallneck’s head. Rappel down and kill the three machines.
Grapple up to the platform on the southeast side of the head, shimmy to the right, then jump up to the bar above. Climb up, then jump to one of the machine parts as it comes past. Let go of the machine part when Aloy says, “Now!” then walk to the Tallneck head and clear the debris. Stay crouched on the Tallneck head. Don’t bother engaging with any of the machines you go past, as you don’t want to risk getting knocked off the head.
When you reach the shield, use the grapple point to the northeast, then proceed through the corridor and override the door to discover the Salt Bite Tallneck quest. Go left and slide across using the cable, then jump to the long machine arm attached to the Tallneck, and make your way along it. Climb up to the Tallneck’s head, and override it to exit Cauldron: IOTA.