To own a cat or 15 of them in Bitlife, you will need to locate the pet store under the Pet activity tab in Bitlife. You can find the pet tab, usually at the top of the screen, and viewing the pet tab gives several pet store options. 

However, if you want to buy a specific type of cat, you’ll need to find the cat breeder section of the pet activity tab. Under this cat breeder tab, you will be bombarded with a barrage of options for cats, so pick whatever takes your fancy- it’s your Bitlife character, after all!

But we will say, if you want to own a cat, they require tons of care, just like in real life. So, you will need to give them attention and take them to the vet if they get sick, which will require some decent cash flow from a job with a steady paycheck. 

You can also interact with your cat by finding it under the relationship tab. In the pet’s relationship tab, you will have a ton of options to choose from playing with it, taking them for walks, bathing them, and taking her to the vet. See the list below for the complete list of options you can use on your pet. 

  • Bathe ReleaseSellSpend timeTreatVeterinarianWalk

How to own five different types of Cats in Bitlife?

If you want to own different types of cats, you can do so really easily by visiting the Cat breeder section of the Pet Tab as shown above.

Under this tab, you will have the option of buying several types of cats and if you want to complete this week’s challenge, you can do it by buying five different breeds of cats. To buy five cats that belong to different breeds, simply click on five of the tabs under Cat Breeders and buy one from each tab.

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