Everything is just a bit easier when you’re working with others, and that adage rings true in V Rising. Whether you’re scouring the lands for hard-to-find resources, breaking into a barricaded bandit camp, or tearing apart other players in PvP, partying with others is necessary to get far.

This makes it doubly strange that V Rising doesn’t properly introduce the party system within V Rising.

The entire operation is simple enough: players need to press ‘P’ to enter the party system. This party system is called Clans, and they operate as a permanent party for players. Players within each other’s clan can share storage, buildings, and workshops.

Joining a clan allows players within the party to see where other party members are on the map. It also tacks all party member health bars on the left side of the screen, allowing players always to track if friends need help. If your party or clan is notably quiet, watching the map in tandem with health bars will let players know when someone needs help, even if they aren’t forthcoming with the information.

In order to add a new party member, players simply have to click ‘Invite Player’ and type in the player’s user name. The invited player must be in the server to receive the invite. Once in the clan, typing ‘/a’ will allow players to type in party chat, visible by all members regardless of distance.

Ultimately, permissions that are allotted to players depend on the server rules. This means that whether or not you can loot your party member’s corpse or even reach into their storage can be controlled on a granular level by server admins. Players who have joined a server where the rules are unclear should reach out to the server admin for clarification on what the party can and cannot do.