How To Get The Jack Links Cosmetics In Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is being promoted through a handful of food brands, and Jack Link’s has now been added to that lengthy list. The brand offers those who purchase special bags of its products an exclusive skin, double XP tokens, and other rewards that can be used in-game. Better yet, each of these items are evidently themed after the company’s iconic Sasquatch mascot. Here’s how you can get your hands on the Jack Link’s Sasquatch cosmetics in MW2....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 309 words · Tracey Magyar

How To Get The Laserhand Legendary Spell In Tiny Tina S Wonderlands

Have you ever wanted to shoot lasers out of your eyes? Well, too bad. You will need to settle for being able to shoot a laser out of your hand. It’s still an impressive feat nonetheless. The Laserhand spell lets your shoot a high-powered laser from your hand at an enemy. This fiery beam has a high status effect chance and high elemental damage to boot. It also has a cooldown rating that will let you fire it over and over again without fail....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 323 words · Diane Morey

How To Get The Melee Master Title In Final Fantasy Vii The First Soldier

Titles are medals that you can equip your character within Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. They show your skills without the need for the game to display your season pass level above your character at all times. Anyone with the Maxed Out Title has committed to pushing their Style as far as it will go, and anyone with the Doom Defiant Title is likely a better player than most. This guide explains how to pick up the Melee Master Title, showing that you’re a genuine threat even without a gun....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 241 words · Preston Wallace

How To Get The Pine Tree Marker In Find The Markers Roblox

While Find the Markers may seem like just another scavenger-hunt-style experience, it actually offers quite an intricate map with more than a handful of challenging secrets to find. With its Christmas 2022 update, Find the Markers has added eight more markers for players to discover, including the one we’ll be covering in this brief guide, the Pine Tree Marker. Finding Pine Tree Marker in Find the Markers Once you’ve loaded into Find the Markers, head toward the Candyland area of the map....

December 24, 2022 · 1 min · 211 words · Edward Thacker

How To Get The Safari Crocolossus Backpack In Fallout 76

Backpacks are an important accessory for any survivor in the wastelands of Appalachia in Fallout 76. This useful item is the key to gaining some buffs that you normally would need to waste a perk card or two on. Not only that, but Backpacks increase your carrying capacity, allowing you to haul around more junk to use as a shield against the onslaught of bullets from the various threats in the wild....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 297 words · Carly Stevens

How To Get The Vault 94 Scout Armor Mask In Fallout 76

You can craft an array of different armor sets in Fallout 76, depending on what materials you have available to you and what crafting stations you’re working at. However, a handful of them are only available through quests, missions, or vendors that have recipes they can willingly sell to you. For those looking to obtain the Vault 94 Scout Amor Mask, though, you’ll have to work for it. The Vault 94 Scout Armor Mask looks like an average scout mask in the game, but it’s covered in branches, vines, and twigs, giving it a distorted and aged look....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 303 words · George Borges

How To Glide In Gotham Knights The Nerd Stash

Gotham Knights share some characteristics with the popular Batman: Arkham game series. If you played those games, then the combat won’t seem out of place. One thing that many players looked forward to was the gliding aspect. Getting this feature is different compared to the Arkham games, however. We’ll guide you through what to do to unlock your ability to glide in Gotham Knights. How to Unlock the Glide Ability in Gotham Knights As we mentioned, gliding is not given to you, but it’s something you must unlock....

December 24, 2022 · 3 min · 534 words · Robert Lupkes

How To Increase Performance In New World How To Boost Fps

If you want to increase performance in New World, the best possible way is to lower graphics settings. The game is very performance-heavy due to launch issues and so many players on servers all at once, so even if you have high-end specs, you will still lag and have frame rate issues and stuttering. Because of this, the best possible way to deal with the performance problem in New World is to lower settings until the game gets more stable as the weeks go by and patches roll in....

December 24, 2022 · 1 min · 167 words · Colby Inyart

How To Join The Back 4 Blood Beta

We’ve been looking forward to a new Left 4 Dead game for years! And even though Back 4 Blood doesn’t bear the same title as its predecessors, the experience is what we’ve been waiting for. You may be wondering how to join the upcoming beta, well here’s how! How to Join the Back 4 Blood Beta The original closed alpha happened back in December, which means that the beta is up next....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 333 words · Yvonne Slaughter

How To Kill The Mailman In Doglife Delivered To The Heavens Achievement

To kill the mailman and complete the Delivered to the Heavens achievement, you will need to kill a mailman. Start by creating a household dog as these characters are more likely to encounter a mailman than other animal backgrounds. That said, once you create a character, what you will need to do is age up until you encounter a mailman. Doing so may take a few tries, but you will eventually encounter one if you are a household dog....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 240 words · Brian Peavy

How To Level Up In Psychic Fast In Roblox Super Power Training Simulator

Leveling up psychic is the closest this game gets to being an AFK. But by modifying the base number of skill gain, you can boost your psychic stats to the next level in no time at all. Option One: Flying If you can fly but you aren’t ready to use any of the resources found on the Floating Zen Temple, the easiest way to boost your psychic is by meditating in midair....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 257 words · Ryan Jaquet

How To Lock Specific Apps In Windows 10 In 2022 Working

Windows has always had a number of important apps that we adore. And with the advent of Windows 10 and its Universal apps platform, the number of Windows 10 apps is growing exponentially. Even the popular chat and social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc., have arrived. That means you need to be more protective of your data as a laptop or computer tends to be shared among family members....

December 24, 2022 · 4 min · 720 words · Eric Lopez

How To Make A Business Card In Google Drive

Google Drive can be your free business card maker when you want it too. It won’t overwhelm you like other design tools do like Adobe InDesign or Illustrator, and the results can be just as good. Plus, Google Drive gives you three ways to design your own business cards if you don’t want to make one from scratch. We will cover three ways to make a business card in Google Docs:...

December 24, 2022 · 5 min · 1011 words · Kristine Barrera

How To Make A Mushroom Slurry In Grounded

When you’re ready to tame one of the smaller insects in Grounded, you’re going to need to make a mushroom slurry. It’s an aphid or weevil’s favorite treat, and they’ll adore you for sharing it with them. But you’re going to need to correct ingredients to acquire this delicious slurry, and the only ingredient you’re going to need will come from Large Mushrooms. Alternatively, mushroom slurries are also used to create mushroom bricks, allowing you to create mushroom-based walls....

December 24, 2022 · 3 min · 481 words · Rebecca Holmes

How To Make Crepes In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Cooking is a huge part of Disney Dreamlight Valley. The recipes that you discover allow you to create wonderful meals for yourself and the residents of the valley, which are then used to increase your energy when consumed or your Friendship Level when given away. One of the noticeably difficult meals to make is Crepes, and this guide will show you just how to make Crepes in Disney Dreamlight Valley....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 284 words · Donna Hineline

How To Make Fish Pie In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley doesn’t limit itself to just fruit in pies. Out of over 160 recipes, there are actually several savory baked goods for you to cook. Here is what you will need to cook one of them, Fish Pie. How to cook Fish Pie in Disney Dreamlight Valley To cook Fish Pie in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you’ll need to combine Any Fish, Butter, and Wheat at a stove. Be careful not to use any seafood in your recipe, like Oysters or Shrimp, as this will make Seafood Pie instead....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 357 words · John Huber

How To Make Money In Forza Horizon 5

Let’s be honest: money is important. Money is important in real life, but also in video games. Forza Horizon 5 has a virtual currency of its own, and you’ll need some in order to buy new cars, plus other items, including customizable items for your avatar, to even houses. So, how can you obtain money in Forza Horizon 5? It’s not too difficult, and there are multiple ways to obtain some....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 246 words · Beverly Martin

How To Make Stubs Quickly In Mlb The Show 21

In MLB The Show 21’s Diamond Dynasty, users can buy cards and packs using Stubs, the title’s in-game currency. Stubs are, without a doubt, an important part of Diamond Dynasty. But if you’re an individual who doesn’t want to spend money to buy Stubs, you might be wondering how to get Stubs quickly in MLB The Show 21. It won’t be easy this year, but here are a few ways that you can grind for Stubs, without having to spend cash....

December 24, 2022 · 3 min · 443 words · Marvin Begay

How To Mod Fallout 4 Install Guide

Fallout 4 is one of the most popular third-person action/survival games. Even years after its release, the game continues to be a rage among the single-player community. It is mainly due to the several playable mods that always bring a new fresh appeal to the old game. There are many ways to install mods for Fallout 4. The best among those is through the official Bethesda mod website. Apart from that, you can also use third-party modding websites like Nexusmod to get mods for PC users....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 402 words · Gregory Monterio

How To Open Blue Treasure Chests In Sonic Frontiers

Blue treasure chests are secret items in Sonic Frontiers that grant incredible rewards when discovered and unlocked. Sonic Frontiers features sizeable open-world locations with a large variety of collectibles scattered everywhere. Some are in the open, but others, such as Blue Treasure Chests, are tough to get a hold of. This guide will explain how to open Blue Treasure Chests in Sonic Frontiers. Where to find and open Blue Treasure Chests in Sonic Frontiers Blue Treasure Chests are secret items hidden in various locations in each of the three hubs Sonic can explore....

December 24, 2022 · 2 min · 307 words · Vonda Jones