How To Open Solstice Packages In Destiny 2

Solstice of Heroes is an annual summer event in Destiny 2 that brings a month-long activity with lots of rewards to farm and armor to upgrade. One of the main sources for event rewards are Solstice Packages, and they can only be opened with Solstice Key Fragments. To open a Solstice Package, open the Character menu and scroll over to Inventory. Solstice Packages are placed within the Consumables section of your Inventory....

December 23, 2022 · 2 min · 326 words · Ida Padilla

How To Get Taken Butter In Destiny 2 Dawning Event

Want to know how to get Taken Butter in the Destiny 2 Dawning Event? Christmas is just around the corner, so it’s time to prepare gifts. With the return of the Dawning Event, there are plenty of materials to farm and delicious meals to prepare. Later, you can go to different game locations and present these goodies to local NPCs, and in return, you will receive valuable in-game currency. But first of all, you need to get the cooking ingredients, and Taken Butter is one of these....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 382 words · Julia Nekola

How To Get The Duality Player Card In Valorant

With a new lore cinematic giving more depth and insight to the world of Valorant, Riot has also released a new players card that Valorant fans can grab for the next 48 hours. Make sure you grab this quickly, as once it’s gone, it’s gone for good. Redeeming the card is easy, just follow the simple steps listed below to add the Duality Player Card to your collection: Go to https://redeem....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 252 words · Mark Krawiec

How To Get The Golden Moss Turtle Mount In Lost Ark

The Golden Moss Turtle is one of the handful of legendary mounts you can use in Lost Ark. You’ll have to go through steps to unlock it, though. So long as you’re willing to go out of your way to add this mount to your collection, you’ll be able to complete it as you naturally make your way through the game. This guide details what you need to do to get the Golden Moss Turtle Mount in Lost Ark....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 240 words · Ta Frey

How To Get The Hider Of Sizable Stashes Commendation In Sea Of Thieves

The Hider of Sizable Stashes Commendation in Sea of Thieves requires you to create a Treasure Stash map that leads to five treasures on the same island. The Commendation has a total of five Grades. Check your progress at any point by navigating to the Pirate Log in the menu, pressing Reputation, Bilge Rats, then Buried Treasures. It’s listed second from the left on the top row of the first page....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 365 words · Michele Austin

How To Get The Masterwork Handbow In Tiny Tina S Wonderlands

If you enjoy playing as a Stabbomancer, you may want to get your hands on the Masterwork Handbow. This legendary pistol has only one arrow in its clip, but that’s all you need. This weapon’s ability makes it so that one arrow will shoot six more into a nearby enemy if you get a critical hit. Critical hits also automatically reload the weapon. All of that is great, but when you mix it with enhanced critical hit damage, it becomes amazing....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 305 words · Kevin Kreitzer

How To Get The Mythic Gunnar S Stinger Smg In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season1 continues to introduce new weapons to keep the game interesting, and the Mythic Gunnar’s Stinger SMG is the latest arrival. Update 19.20 introduced the Covert Cavern POI and this is where players can find the weapon. The Covert Cavern is somewhat reminiscent of the Grotto from back in the Ghost Vs Shadow days of the game. Covert Cavern can be found just to the northeast of Camp Cuddle....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 244 words · Bonnie Amburn

How To Get The Sintouched Deathwalker Mount In World Of Warcraft Shadowlands

There are achievements, and then there are genuine bragging rights. If you want to ride with the elites of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and get your hands on the Sintouched Deathwalker mount, you have your work cut out for you. Hopefully, you’re good in group situations, because you’ll be seeing many other players before you can summon this mount. The Sintouched Deathwalker is your reward for earning the Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season One achievement....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 228 words · Laura Myers

How To Get The Windborne Velocidrake Mount In World Of Warcraft Dragonflight

The Windborne Velocidrake mount is the second dragonriding mount you can obtain in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. If you’re interested in getting your hands on it, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what we know about how to get the Windbrone Velcidrake mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Obtaining the Windborne Velocidrate mount in WoW Dragonflight The Windborne Velocidrake mount is only obtainable through the progression of the WoW Dragonflight campaign....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 233 words · Deborah Hill

How To Get Tm029 Hex In Pok Mon Scarlet And Violet

When you’re ready to teach some companions the Hex move in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you need to get TM029. There can be a host of reasons why you need the TM. Perhaps you want a Pokémon like Gastly to learn the move early on without leveling up. Or maybe you have a favorite companion like Elektross that can’t learn it any other way? Regardless, you must look for TM029 Hex first before you can craft it....

December 22, 2022 · 3 min · 429 words · Sondra Vanburen

How To Get Voice Breaking The Day In Lost Ark

To complete the Adventurer’s Tome, you must find a collectible item called Voice Breaking the Day in Lost Ark. Monsters will drop the Voice Breaking the Day collectible on the Shushire Continent (or other areas, if you have already visited Shushire). Where is Voice Breaking the Day in Shushire? The Frozen Sea area in Shushire is a good place to look for this collectible. This isn’t a guarantee, and we recommend going to areas with a lot more enemies before trying to gather any collectibles....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 248 words · James Davine

How To Give Gifts In Scarlet Nexus

Your companions in Scarlet Nexus are extremely important, giving you more powers to access, and help in the fights you will encounter. To improve their abilities in combat you can increase their Bond Level, and one of the ways to do this is by giving them gifts. Each characters will different gifts that they will prefer, and you can figure out what they are by speaking with the characters and listening to what they have to say over the course of the campaign....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 219 words · Lauri Scott

How To Make A Bird Snare In Stranded Deep The Nerd Stash

Stranded Deep has recently become one of the popular survival games, where players have to survive on an island alone. This means they must make shelters, find food, and fight animals that might attack them. To tackle each of these obstacles, the game provides several solutions for each of them. In the case of finding food, one of the ways you can find it is to set some traps. Bird Snare is one of the many trap types you can make in Stranded Deep, and here is how to make it....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 372 words · Anna Mahoney

How To Make A Creeper Farm In Minecraft In 2022 Easy Build

A collective nightmare that the builders in Minecraft have faced for years is exploding Creepers. These hostile mobs appear out of nowhere, sneak up on you, and explode. Their explosions will not only easily kill you but might also diminish the hours of effort you put into building your Minecraft base. Now, keeping their scary side aside for a minute, the Creepers in Minecraft, if killed on time, can be really useful....

December 22, 2022 · 10 min · 1924 words · Miles Thompson

How To Make A Molotov Cocktail In Project Zomboid

To make a Molotov Cocktail in Project Zomboid, you will need an Empty Bottle and either a full Gas Can or a bottle of Bourbon. You will also need to have Ripped sheets that you can get from ripping clothes. To get Empty Bottles, you will need to drain Water Bottles, Wine, and other alcohol bottles. If you want to find Gas Cans, you will need to loot garages and fill them full of gas at Fuel Pumps....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 259 words · Clement Doyle

How To Make A Spyglass In Minecraft

As Minecraft heads towards the release of the big new Caves and Cliffs update, it looks like they’ve decided to start dropping some bits and pieces from it in the way of Snapshots. Unfortunately, if you play on the Bedrock version of the game, you will not have access to it. However, if you have the Minecraft Java version, you can try these out for yourself! While not everything that is coming in the update has been added, you can still build and create some new stuff as more snapshots are released....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 324 words · Ruby Wilson

How To Make Meringue Pie In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley is a game where you can make many of your culinary dreams come true as you serve up delicious food that you and the residents of the valley can all enjoy. While real-life cooking can be quite tricky, all you need to do in Dreamlight Valley is throw some ingredients into a pot and out pops a delicious Meringue Pie. Of course, that is just one of the many meals you can make....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 302 words · Josef Echeverria

How To Make Potion Of Night Vision In Minecraft 2022

Nobody thinks of sandbox games like Minecraft as a horror game until the sun sets and it’s nighttime. Deadly mobs take over the overworld and if you don’t see them creeping up, your survival might become inevitable. The same also stands true for the scary dark Minecraft caves that recently got a makeover in the Minecraft 1.18 update. Thankfully, the solution to both your problems is brewing a Potion of Night Vision in Minecraft....

December 22, 2022 · 5 min · 963 words · David Martinez

How To Manage Local Network Access Of Apps In Ios 14

When it comes to security and privacy, Apple has always been a trendsetter. Be it the robust Activation Lock or the USB Restricted Mode, the Cupertino-based company has always set an example for the rest to follow. And with iOS 14, the tech giant has taken its well-known obsession for robust privacy to another level by introducing several top-of-the-line features including “Local Network access restriction”. Unlike before, apps must ask permission to find and connect with devices on the local network....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 247 words · Lillian Dempsey

How To Mute Someone On Discord

Discord is one of the most popular text and voice chat platforms on the internet. It’s used for everything from gaming communities to niche, enthusiast groups and everything in between. Unfortunately, as with any online community, Discord can attract a few bad apples. If you only use Discord with friends, you will likely never need to use the Mute function. If you’re part of larger communities, though, you might encounter someone that harasses you or speaks in a rather distasteful way....

December 22, 2022 · 4 min · 809 words · Jose Lynch