How To Open The Shipyard Of The Fallen Gate In God Of War Ragnarok

In God of War Ragnarok, the Shipyard of the Fallen is a small region of Helheim that you pass through briefly during the Reunion goal on The Path main story quest line. Playing as Kratos and accompanied by Atreus (who is not going by the name “Loki” for now), you travel to Helheim in search of Garm, the “hound of Hel” that Atreus freed during the last story quest, Unleashing Hel....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 344 words · Donald Brunswick

How To Get Texas For Free In Arknights

Texas is Penguin Logistics’ five-star Vanguard under the DP-on-Skill Archetype. Texas generates a decent amount of DP, and despite being a melee Operator, her Skill 2 deals Area of Effect (AoE) Arts damage. She’s an incredibly versatile Operator that can help take out Heavy Defenders and flying enemies—while boasting the Vanguard Class’ low DP Cost. Here’s how you can get her for free outside of Headhunting and Recruitment. Pinboard Missions Pinboard Missions are one-time Missions that players can complete without a time limit....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 245 words · Bradley Valerio

How To Get Thavnairian Corn In Final Fantasy Xiv

There are multiple resources for you to find through Final Fantasy XIV. You’ll want to acquire these to sell on the market or bring them back to your Free Company for your crafters to use in their recipes. Thavnairian Corn is one of those resources you’ll want to narrow down and find yourself. There are a few things you need to do before finding it. Here’s what you need to know about how to get Thavnairian Corn in Final Fantasy XIV....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 298 words · James Canaday

How To Get Thavnairian Onions In Final Fantasy Xiv

Thavnairian onions are a vital vegetable that you’ll need to acquire in Final Fantasy XIV. You’re going to be using it to level up your Chocobo past level 10 once they reach this point, to reach level 20. While they don’t reach a high level, they can be useful to use in the open world if you need a little extra help. In this guide, we’re going to cover where you can get Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV and how to use them....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 379 words · Catherine Haffner

How To Get The Briton Shield In Assassin S Creed Valhalla

Weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are essential to building your character out. Each one offers different techniques or abilities that allow you to play differently than if you equipped others. For example, the Briton Shield gives you the ability to restore some health whenever you successfully parry with it. It falls under the Wolf tree and can give you an edge you need in a tight spot. You can find the shield in the Temple of Mithras in Lunden....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 286 words · Carol Boyd

How To Get The Cdl Major 1 Pack In Call Of Duty Vanguard And Warzone

The ongoing CDL 2022 championship is bringing with it several unlockable rewards in Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone. One such reward is the brand new Major 1 Tournament Pack that includes in-game cosmetics such as an operator skin and a weapon blueprint. Players can access the CDL Major 1 Pack bundle via the COD Store for $9.99. The bundle can be purchased in either of the two games, Vanguard or Warzone, and can be equipped in both....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 191 words · Patricia Goldsmith

How To Get The Royal Egg Of The Bearers In Roblox Egg Hunt 2020

If you want to get the Royal Egg of the Bearers, you will need to play the game Bear. This is a fun game where you will be playing either a bear or a survivor. Bears need to hunt down the survivors in a maze-like level, while the survivors need to make it to the end of the round. No matter which role you end up playing, you need to try and find one golden key....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 346 words · Patsy Archer

How To Get The Scythe In Destiny 2 Season Of The Haunted

The Scythe is a fiendishly good-looking weapon that has arrived in Season of the Haunted in Destiny 2. In order to wield it and claim the sinister “Reaper” title, Guardians will have to tackle the new Seasonal Activity. How to get a Scythe in D2 Season 17 Unfortunately, the Scythe is not a weapon that can be wielded like the Glaive or swords. Instead, it is a temporary weapon like the Hive Knight swords....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 204 words · Ruth Pride

How To Get The Special Rockruff In Pok Mon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon

One of the most asked questions on the internet about the new games Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is how to get the special Rockruff that can evolve into a Dusk Form Lycanroc. In short, this Rockruff can be attained through the games’ Mystery Gift feature. A more in-depth explanation on how this works can be found below. To receive a special Rockruff, start up your game and select “Mystery Gift” from the game’s main menu instead of “Continue....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 336 words · Sandra Plamondon

How To Get The Static Marker In Roblox Find The Markers

While Find the Markers may seem like just another scavenger-hunt-style experience, it actually offers quite an intricate map with more than a handful of challenging secrets to be found. With its newest Candyland update, Find the Markers has added 25 new markers for players to discover, including the one that we’ll be covering in this brief guide, the Static Marker. Finding the Static Marker Once you’ve spawned into Find the Markers, head towards the newly-added Candyland area and locate the gingerbread house pictured below....

December 21, 2022 · 1 min · 211 words · Edward Vanhorn

How To Get The Trespasser Exotic Sidearm In Destiny 2

Here’s how to unlock the Trespasser Exotic in Destiny 2. Destiny 2 is going to be getting an immense amount of attention this week as Season of the Haunted is just about to start. There will be countless fans lining up at the virtual servers to begin to experience everything that the latest season has to offer players. Of course, when a new season arrives, there’s new season pass content to unlock....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 525 words · Malissa Thompson

How To Get The Vastilok Gunblade In Warframe

Gunblades in Warframe are some of the most fun and interesting melee weapons in the game. Part gun, part blade, they take up the melee slot but provide the player the benefit of infinite ammo. They can utilize several powerful combinations that can do incredible damage with the right build, and have been known to rip some of the game’s toughest enemies to shreds. The Vastilok Gunblade is a new Gunblade that will be making its way to the game for Tennocon 2021....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 261 words · Curtis Clark

How To Get To Malefactor S Evergaol In Elden Ring

Malefactor’s Evergaol is one of 11 Evergaols in the Lands Between of Elden Ring. All Evergaols contain extremely dangerous boss enemies, who can be defeated in return for high-value rewards. Malefactor’s Evergaol is at the top of a cliff northwest of Stormveil Castle. Inside, you’ll encounter Adan, Thief of Fire, who drops the Flame of the Fell God Incantation — if you can defeat him, that is. Starting from the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace behind Stormveil Castle, follow the following directions to get to Malefactor’s Evergaol....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 349 words · Eugenia Joshua

How To Help Eleanor With Her Memory In Life Is Strange True Colors

In chapter two, Lanterns of Life is Strange: True Colors, Alex is on the hunt for Mac to figure out why he was lying about the previous chapter’s events. To do that, she needs to make her way to the flower shop and talk to Eleanor to find out if she knows where he is. However, once you begin to leave, Alex notices that Eleanor is acting odd and is frightened about something, so she decides to help her remember....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 449 words · Peter White

How To Hide Likes Views On Instagram And Why You Should Do It

Social media can be extremely addictive. Since people only post the “polished” content, most of the things you see are either unrealistically positive or aim to get an emotional reaction from you. Instagramers are especially guilty of that. Most people only share the highlights of their lives on Instagram, carefully choosing the best moments and memories that will earn them more likes and comments on the platform. This can quickly turn into a popularity contest if you care about how many people like and view your posts....

December 21, 2022 · 5 min · 857 words · Vivian Credle

How To Increase A Character S Morale In Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

A character’s morale in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes allows them to deal more damage in combat. You want to try and enhance a character’s morale as much as possible before entering a heavy engagement, giving everyone in your group the best chance to walk away without perishing. There are a handful of ways you can manage each character’s morale, ensuring it never falls too far. Here’s what you need to know about how to increase a character’s morale in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes...

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 316 words · James Harbison

How To Install Ios 16 On Your Iphone Right Now

iOS 16 is finally here for everyone to download and install. So, whether you’re still running iOS 15, or testing the latest iOS 16 Public Betas, it’s time now to get to the stable version of the software unless you have very good reasons not to do so. While the process is straightforward, if you’re doing this for the first time, it might be a tad confusing. So, here’s how to install iOS 16 on your iPhone right now....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 453 words · Leah Baxter

How To Join The Network Test For Gundam Evolution

Developer Bandai Namco and publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment announced that Gundam Evolution is releasing this year in North America, Europe, and Japan. The game will release on Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and a simultaneous release for PC. Gundam Evolution will be a free-to-play hero shooter, pitting two teams of six against each other in a competitive environment. The game will feature dynamic team-play and mobile suits from the Gundam universe....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 242 words · Frank Barrows

How To Make A Collage On Iphone And Ipad

We all share photos on Instagram, and most of the time, all we do to make them look good is some light photo editing, and maybe a filter on top. However, if you’re just back from a vacation and want to share some of your favourite shots from the trip, an iPhone collage might be a great way to get it done. So, if you’re wondering how you can go about making collages on iPhone, we’ve got you covered....

December 21, 2022 · 6 min · 1073 words · Karen Cortez

How To Marry Fuuka In Rune Factory 5

You will meet Fuuka a few days after you start the game and right after you open the restaurant in Rune Factory 5. She is a were-animal who is currently in the process of learning human speech. She is known for being incredibly honest and has traveled a great distance before meeting with the protagonist. How to increase Fuuka’s hearts Fuuka can be found at Lackadaisy after you are able to enter the establishment....

December 21, 2022 · 2 min · 269 words · James Ward