How To Identify Twitter Bots Easily

The bot problem on Twitter is real and very much evident. The micro-blogging platform has been swarmed with bots for quite a long time and it is becoming really difficult to escape its clutches. If you’re a regular Twitter user, there surely must have been times when you have encountered a spam bot that was spreading information wildly. The bots are usually used to spread fake news stories and political propaganda, which is now being seen as the biggest problem with Twitter at the moment....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 964 words · Larry Young

How To Install The Minotaur Ai Pilot For Your Exocraft In No Man S Sky

The new Sentinel upgrade for No Man’s Sky brings lots of great new additions to the game, most notably in several areas of combat ― and being able to transform your mech-like Minotaur Exocraft into an AI companion can certainly prove to be very useful in a fight. All you need is a single upgrade, and the Minotaur will turn into your faithful follower, ever ready to help out in a combat situation or with your more casual exploration endeavors....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 561 words · Richard Cox

How To Launch Yourself From A Siege Cannon In Fortnite

Siege Cannons make potent weapons capable of dealing heavy-hitting damage to opponents’ vehicles and launching yourself into the air for a quick escape. There are many Cannons located around the map, making it easy to get from here to there in no time. Here’s how you can launch yourself! Siege Cannon Locations Southwest of Logjam Lumberyard3 on the Blimp above Command Cavern At Command Cavern 2 on Pinnacle Peak South of Command Cavern2 West of Command Cavern2 East of Command Cavern 2 Southeast of Command CavernSouth of Command CavernAt The Fortress7 at Tilted Towers 2 on the Blimp above Tilted TowersNorthwest of Tilted TowersEast of Tilted TowersSoutheast of Tilted TowersEast of Dispatch Depot North of The Devoured2 on the Blimp above Coney Crossroads2 on the Blimp above The Daily BugleWest of Sanctuary 2 on the Blimp above Condo Canyon2 on the Blimp above Rocky Reels Enter the Cannon After locating a Cannon and approaching it, you first need to enter it....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 391 words · Diane Nagel

How To Level Up Weapons In Naraka Bladepoint

In most games, the player expects to be able to level up their profile and their character. Naraka: Bladepoint allows players to do both of those as well as level up their weapons. There are seven ranged weapons and six melee weapons that can be upgraded. Leveling up your weapons is called weapon proficiency. Each weapon features a level that unlocks Tae, and every fifth level will either reward the player with an Immortal Treasure or a weapon skin....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 259 words · Brian Ridley

How To Make A Fire In Dayz

DayZ is a survival sim which is no light task. If you don’t manage to set up camp in time you can succumb to a range of things, primarily zombie attacks! But also the cold, illness and hunger, which is why building fires is an extremely important part of the gameplay. To make a fire you are going to need a few items to start off with: SticksKnife, axe or macheteTinder (bark, bandage, rags, paper or scraps)Firewood To get the sticks for your fire you will need to look for some bushes and start cutting them down....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 412 words · William Palka

How To Make A Redstone Comparator In Minecraft 2022

The comparator is one of the oldest Redstone components in Minecraft. But even after years of its existence in the game, not enough people are familiar with its actual use. That’s where we step in. From learning how to make a Redstone comparator in Minecraft to its usefulness in Minecraft farms, we are here to help you with everything. You only need to keep Minecraft open on your system and try out all comparator mechanics in the game with us....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 776 words · Laurence Wofford

How To Make A Wordpress Site Secure

Launching your own WordPress site these days is pretty easy. Unfortunately, it won’t take long for hackers to start targeting your site. The best way to make a WordPress site secure is to understand every point of vulnerability that comes from running a WordPress site. Then install the appropriate security to block hackers at each of those points. In this article you’ll learn how to better secure your domain, your WordPress login, and the tools and plugins available to secure your WordPress site....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1354 words · Nelda Laboy

How To Make Biscuits In Disney Dreamlight Valley The Nerd Stash

Want to know how to make Biscuits in Disney Dreamlight Valley? As you progress through Disney Dreamlight Valley, you will learn several mechanics, including fishing, farming, and cooking. Performing definite actions, your character loses energy, and a couple of delicious dishes will help correct this situation. In addition, the game has more than 200 unique recipes, among which any player can find something to their liking. If you’ve been playing for a while and are a fan of sweet pastries, you should try Biscuits....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 383 words · Ramona Dean

How To Make Eggplant Puffs In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Eggplant Puffs are one of the many recipes you can make as you play through Disney Dreamlight Valley. There are over 200 different recipes that each serve a different purpose in the game. The recipe for Eggplant Puffs is considered to be 3-Star which means that there are a total of three ingredients that are needed. However, you can only get some of these ingredients after starting the game. First, you will need access to the Frosted Heights and Forest of Valor biomes....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 418 words · Mary Payne

How To Make Sour Snow Cones In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Want to know how to make Sour Snow Cones in Disney Dreamlight Valley? Whether you like to cook or not, you will have to do it often during your playthrough of Disney Dreamlight Valley. Your character might get hungry or tired during an adventure, or you might want to treat the local Disney character to a delicious meal. In any case, you won’t get tired of the monotony of dishes, because there are more than 160 unique recipes in the game, and with new updates, there will only be more of them....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 440 words · Susan Davis

How To Make Venmo Private

Venmo is a payment app that allows users to connect bank accounts or debit/credit cards and send money to other users. It’s a quick and easy way to send money and has become immensely popular. Users can see a feed of others’ public transactions on the app. Your own transactions will also be public, depending on how you set up your privacy settings. If you don’t want the world to see where your money is going, you can change your Venmo privacy settings to private....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 784 words · Jacalyn Fincham

How To Nose Grind The Coffee Grind Gap In Mall In Tony Hawk S Pro Skater 1 2

The Mall features an abandoned location in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2. Several mannequins have lined up around the area as they watch you perform various tricks to earn a higher score and complete multiple tasks. One of the tasks you can complete on this level is to do a nose grind on the Coffee Grind Gap. Where is that location, and how do you do a nose grind? The pipe you need to hit is in the central area immediately after you leave the starting location....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 207 words · Candance Warren

How To Get The Automagic Exe In Tiny Tina S Wonderlands

The AUTOMAGIC.exe is more than just an executable file, it’s a powerful weapon that you can find in the Wonderlands. This weapon acts like an Atlas-branded gun from Borderlands 3. It has an alternate fire mode that shoots a tracker dart. Once that tracker dart is in an enemy, all the other bullets will home in on that target until the tracker disappears. It is a very useful feature for dealing with flying enemies or enemies that like to hide behind cover....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 285 words · Joan Mabrey

How To Get The Birthday Cake Ingredient In Roblox Wacky Wizards

Happy Birthday Wacky Wizards! To celebrate the experience’s anniversary, developers Jandel and Foryxe have added a Birthday Cake ingredient that players can collect by completing just a few steps. To learn more about how to unlock this ingredient, and the potions that can be made with it, continue reading the brief guide below! How to unlock the Birthday Cake ingredient Once you’ve spawned into Wacky Wizards, head toward the Spider Cave pictured below....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 254 words · Debra Burley

How To Get The Error Marker In Find The Markers Roblox

While Find the Markers may seem like just another scavenger-hunt-style experience, it offers quite an intricate map, with more than a handful of challenging secrets to find. With its small Feb. 2022 update, Find the Markers has added five more markers for players to discover, including the one we’ll cover in this brief guide, Error Marker. Finding Error Marker in Find the Markers Once you’ve spawned into Find the Markers, put on your hard hat, head toward the disheveled neighborhood, and enter the house pictured below....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 263 words · Timothy Funches

How To Get The Hippo Calf Minion In Final Fantasy Xiv Endwalker

The Hippo Calf is one of the adorable new minions added Final Fantasy XIV with the release of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. The Hippo Calf is a portly and cute hippopotamus baby, the Hippo Calf is definitely one minion you need to add to your collection. To get the Hippo Calf, you need to complete the Vanaspati dungeon. The level 85 dungeon is unlocked through the Main Story Quest (MSQ). Complete the dungeon, and the Hippo Calf has a chance to be found in the chest of the final chest....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 243 words · Billie Cashen

How To Get The Optimus Omicron Minion In Final Fantasy Xiv Endwalker

The Omicrons are a mysterious race encountered by the Warrior of Light in the final zone of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. A robot species of war-like creatures, they’re not exactly the cutest or most likable things. Even so, you can grab the Optimus Omicron minion, which gives you your very own Omicron. To get the Optimus Omicron Minion, you’ll first need to unlock the Level 90 dungeon, The Stigma Dreamscape. After completing this dungeon which brings you back through the history of the Omicron’s many conquests, there’s a chance the Optimus Omicron minion drops in the final chest....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 244 words · Evelyn Mensing

How To Get The Strike A Pose Achievement In Unpacking

One of the biggest joys in Unpacking is getting to play around with various items as you empty boxes and decorate the game’s diorama-like levels. A great example of this is highlighted by the requirement to unlock the Strike a Pose achievement. Getting the achievement is a short and simple process, but it can still be easily missed. To get the Strike a Pose achievement in Unpacking, you’ll have to complete the starting level, the year 1997....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 223 words · Frank Gill

How To Get The Tarzan Ribbon In Bitlife

The Tarzan ribbon in BitLife wants players to bond with exotic animals. There are a variety of them to choose from, and the process to bond with these creatures takes a bit of time. They’re also not the cheapest items for you to purchase. To obtain this ribbon, you need to become familiar with the exotic pet dealer. They will have an animal available for you to purchase, and it varies in how much it will cost to buy, usually somewhere in thousands of dollars....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 435 words · Valentin Davis

How To Get The Wind Up Elvaan In Final Fantasy Xiv

The Wind-up Elvaan minion in Final Fantasy XIV is a special item you can acquire. These minions will follow you while you play the game, enlightening your adventure as you explore the wide world with your Final Fantasy XIV character. However, these minions are only available in specific locations. Here’s what you need to know about how to get the Wind-up Elvaan minion in Final Fantasy XIV. Where to find Wind-up Elvaan in Final Fantasy XIV The Wind-up Elvaan will be available as a reward during the Moogle Treasure Trove The Hunt for Verity event....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 313 words · Janet Ladwig